
Showing posts from December, 2012


 Hunt Family Christmas 2012 Yes, it is that festive time of year again.  December 2012.  Even among rumors of impending doom for the planet Earth I can't help but feel that the world will go on.  It MUST go on.  There is so much still to do and so much of living for even the Earth to do.   Our tree is always colorful and festive and speaks to the child in all of us. It has not yet begun to snow in Indianapolis Indiana, as temperatures seem to be climbing still.  Today it was 70 degrees on December 3rd.  How odd is that?  Still, the cold will come.  And when it does it will stay awhile and make us pine for warmer temperatures and good weather again.  Among the sugar frosted fruit and beaded ornaments we have old world papier mache stars.   Very stylish. Upon Thanksgiving night every year, and as a part of our family tradition, we decorate our Christmas tree.  It was nice to do so as we had our nephew visiting from the U.S. Air Force Base in Sou