
Showing posts from 2020


By Lana Brock First, in order to know if there is negative energy within your body, you must know the symptoms. *Feeling down, anxious, or depressed *Feeling restless *Can’t sleep *Constant stomachaches and headaches *Impulsiveness *Mood swings and inability to control your emotions *Negative thinking Second, how does one do a Spiritual Cleansing? Spiritual cleansing can vary from person to person according to how you prefer and also how you believe. If you believe in psychological influences on the physical body, you might want to convince your body to be positive, uncluttered and cleansed. Meditation is important in bringing peace of mind to yourself. Here are a few steps included in the spiritual cleansing of the body’s inner energies. Crystals have been proven to affect the physical body. They are considered effective alternative therapies. Find a quiet, safe space. Prepare a scented candle, or light incense, pillow, sage, crystals of carnelian and kyanite, and a Bible or


So, it is now the year of 2020. This has been a difficult year for me. I had a full hysterectomy before Thanksgiving and found out I had stage 1 uterine cancer. It was a blessing that it was fully contained within the uterus and did not spread. I am forever grateful for my daughter, who was with me the entire time for the surgery, for the first couple of days of recovery and just for being my emotional support. I love her very much. She is my tweety bird. She is one of the reasons I feel hope in my life. She is one of the reasons I smile and feel such love. My daughter is the most precious to me. Now at the beginning of 2020, I wonder what may be next. What new things shall I experience at work? What new movies, new music I shall watch and hear? What good will happen in the year? I don't want to curse the year by starting out with any kind of negativity. I began this year thinking about my favorite movie this past year, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. It had such