
Showing posts from October, 2011


2220 N. Armstrong St. Kokomo Indiana My childhood home after the burning by a serial arsonist in July 2001 This is the synopsis idea I sent to Raw Television's Paranormal Witness to later be produced and aired on Syfy Channel on July 10th, 2013.  Understand that this synopsis does not include every story but only touched on some paranormal experiences with Raw Television producers.  It was never intended to be a book here.  The Blog is my synopsis.  Also, remember television chops and edits out everything people say in their interviews and includes only what they want.  If I could have included everything on the 50 minute program in my episode I could have had a full length featured film.  But I wrote this synopsis for a 50 minute program.  It was spliced, chopped up and edited to suit television purposes.  People write me a lot and ask about the inconsistencies.  But what they don't realize is Television has their own agenda and their own purpose.  They don't ca


I drove from my home in Carmel Indiana 45 minutes north to Kokomo (where I grew up) to visit my mother.  From time to time I find I must return home to find some peace of mind.  It clears my mind a little of the mundane of my routine setup of going to work and home and back to work.  In between my vacations I must find time to reconnect with home and my mother and grandmother.  Today, while visiting with my grandmother, I was fortunate to have had several photos shown to me.  This particular photo above is a few generations of great grandmothers.  I had never known any of these women.  And yet the image reached out and touched my heart, showing me that there is indeed a continuity and legacy that we do leave behind.  There is so much I enjoy about old photos.  So many memories in some and in others I am left to use my imagination to compel me to wonder. This one was taken in 1904 of my great grandmother as a child and her auntie.  It still amazes me when I see that not many