
Showing posts from August, 2014


Dark Sphere and two glowing lights Was it a dream?  Was it a night terror or were my eyes just adjusting to the darkness?  Or was it something utterly realistically crazy?  I have to laugh.  It could be an ordinary trick of the eyes and the mind when one is recovering quickly from a night terror.  It could be a blessing for such visions to be merely a slight of the eyes upon waking.  However, the same comfort of silly deduction could turn to a chilling horror to discover the unexplained is more than a figment of the imagination.  For now, it's interesting just to speculate the possibilities, as usual.   I had been asleep and found myself springing up in my bed around 2:30 in the morning.  In the darkness I noticed immediately a spinning dark sphere.  My hearing appeared to be temporarily disabled by a low faint hum.  I noticed that I could not hear the fan blowing in my face.  Perhaps something was near my head or blocking the fan.  It frightened me.  For reasons, unkno