
Showing posts from April, 2015


When a cleansing is performed in a home, to rid it of unwanted spirits, it is important to make sure that all of your bases are covered.  Here are some important things regarding children, families and anyone who is victim to demon attack, to keep in mind.  Children cannot control their living situations and are at the mercy of what decisions others make for them.  That is why it is important to make the best decisions keeping the children in mind and how many paranormal maladies, attacks, and attempts to remedy the situation, will affect them; particularly after the spiritual cleansing.  There are those who have awakened to black masses or a deep paralysis or a pressure upon their chest.  Some paranormal experts call that a hypnagogic effect...if the subject is actually asleep.  However, if he is not sleeping, this is not a hypnagogic effect or sleep paralysis.  It's important to know the distinction.  I had the same black mass hover over me in my bedroom.