When a cleansing is performed in a home, to rid it of unwanted spirits, it is important to make sure that all of your bases are covered.  Here are some important things regarding children, families and anyone who is victim to demon attack, to keep in mind. 

Children cannot control their living situations and are at the mercy of what decisions others make for them.  That is why it is important to make the best decisions keeping the children in mind and how many paranormal maladies, attacks, and attempts to remedy the situation, will affect them; particularly after the spiritual cleansing. 

There are those who have awakened to black masses or a deep paralysis or a pressure upon their chest.  Some paranormal experts call that a hypnagogic effect...if the subject is actually asleep.  However, if he is not sleeping, this is not a hypnagogic effect or sleep paralysis.  It's important to know the distinction.  I had the same black mass hover over me in my bedroom.  The sole purpose of any demon or dark entity is to possess any vessel it can.  It is thought by many that when a person lies on their back during sleep they are more prone to be subject to attacks of spirits and dark entities which come through a vortex or which may inhabit a space.

I can relate to this experience because this happened to me when I was 19.  I was not asleep.  I was wide awake, fighting off a spirit as it pressed my body into a mattress, and was on my back.  I decided never to sleep on my back again.  Although I don't believe I was under hypnagogic influence nor sleep paralysis, I do believe that spirits are more likely to appear over a person who sleeps on their back.  This opens them up.  A person, just before REM sleep, always slips into a hypnagogic state which can feel like paralysis.  It is during that time, if on your back any spirit can attempt an attack.  A demon or darker spirit will attempt possession.  I believe that when one is paralyzed that this is either a hypnagogic state before sleep or it is a demon attempting to render its victim immobile.  If they begin to feel pressure on their body, in any capacity, then at this point the entity is attempting to invade or possess the body.  I do not sleep on my back for this reason.

Children are safe from demon possession until they reach the age of spiritual discernment.  So most children don't really understand spiritual issues until much later in their development. However, children can be responsive to spirits and influenced without having any understanding. Children are also open receivers and can see, hear, feel and sense paranormal activity much easier than an adult.  To a toddler everything is real in their world.  They do not know a distinction between what is real and what is fantasy. They don't know a distinction between people alive or dead.  They would have no reason to create or fabricate a story or to even lie in the toddler stage of their development. 

The best thing the parents can do for the child is to listen to them and to make them feel safe.  When a dark entity invades a home they do not leave easily.  Multiple cleansings can fail at one location.  The strength of the demon is not always the reason that cleansings fail. It is my thoughts, that sometimes a demon is "bound" not by any curse a human can instill but a curse from God.  Sometimes God will allow a demon or dark entity to be bound to a space to draw humans closer to HIM.  This was the case in my family.  As Baptists (as my family was), we did not believe in cleansing every nook and cranny.  Nor did we believe that Faith resolved our issues.  We found that no matter how hard we prayed, read the Bible, had the pastor over to bless and cleanse the house, our home and family were continually oppressed. 

Carl L. Johnson, my paranormal colleague and demonologist, has taught on some darker entities which draw upon the energy of those that dwell in a house, calling them "Energy Vampires".  This is a pre-possession phase.  Demons and darker spirits must weaken those who are filled with vibrancy, light, and positive energy in order to possess them without a fight.  So my strongest advice is to not only protect the house or cleanse it but the bodies of those dwelling there must also be cleansed.  They need to exude the fruits of the Spirit (peace, longsuffering, patience).  I am speaking of The Holy Spirit.  They will need to show much laughter, happiness, joy, and get out of the house and develop a strong bond with one another.  It is that bond they establish during these times that will make them stronger and hold off the entity who attempts to draw them down. 

Demons and Spirits are not omnipotent.  They cannot read our thoughts.  They can read our gestures and listen to us and can even anticipate us.  They can see what we watch and listen to our conversation. They watch us.  So I suggest not only to cleanse the house with whatever measures you choose, but have the family change their own routines, get outside more, do some family bonding inside and outside the house and bring a positive energy into their home by laughing more, having a wonderful time with each other.  Cleansing the home and the body (spiritually and emotionally).  This can be done by just exuding and expressing joy, laughter, happiness, peace and patience in the home.  If they don't hold to faith or beliefs in going to church they can also set up a home altar or a place that shows they have a strong faith.  You can have a table with a Bible open to your favorite chapter, with a cross of some kind on the wall.  If you worship another deity, then show an altar for that deity or have sage and herbs to ward off spirits and demons.  This convinces other spirits and entities you do serve a deity or have a belief in something Greater.

People under attack can be empowered to take back their home; even from a demonic entity or darker spirit.  We never got rid of the demon in our house.  It made my father sick to live there as long as he did.  But he never stopped praying or reading his Bible or asking for protection from God.  He was immovable in his faith.  Yet the demon persisted.  My father best protected us by getting out of that house.  Because we did that we became bonded through family positive experiences.  We became stronger.  So when there came a day the entity did try to possess or deeply oppress, it could not win.  To this day, I feel a victory knowing that it could not win. 

Burning sage throughout a location and pouring salt and sprinkling holy water, and reading scriptural banishment commands sometimes does work, if the demon believes it does.  Sometimes the demon is bound to a location as a curse to the land or even by God.  So that is one of the steps to physical cleansing of a home.  I think that cleansing a home must be done by someone who has an authority.  When I say authority, I mean someone who actually "believes" in the words they say.  They are the person that must convince the demon to believe in the holy words, in the commands to flee and be gone.  The person you get to cleanse the house is very important.  They have to be a believer in what they do and say and not just a performer as a gimmick or just some paranormal tactic.  It must be from someone who actually believes in what they do and what they say. It is as important and comparable to exorcism.  You would never call a paranormal enthusiast or amateur or even a non-spiritual paranormal investigator to call out a demon from a person's body.  Likewise, the same applies to a house. 

To all investigators and counselors who aid those under demonic attack; don't allow the dark spirits to break you down.  They will do that if they sense you are trying to rid them.  If they break you down then that will make you ineffectual to assisting the family.  So I suggest you look for some positive energy, connection with family, laughter in your home, and to change a little bit of your routine and get out more also.  I say this because anyone who is exposed to that family, who is already undergoing attack, can also become a victim.  But you CAN prevent that from happening.  ~Lana


  1. Excellent post. Thank you for this.

  2. Any word on "Finding Evil?" Looking very forward to reading that still.....


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