As time goes by and as a Paranormal Investigator and as a Christian, I witness the world growing darker, more encompassed by evil, killings, wars, destruction and madness. In the midst of that madness and obviously growing darkness are the paranormal investigators, demonologists, exorcists, and spiritualists of all kinds.  What I am writing are my views, and yes they are now as much as my religious views as they are my paranormal views.  These views seem to be coming together to reveal to me, personally, a bigger picture.

As a paranormal researcher, my contribution comes by sharing my experiences and what I have learned from my own studies.  Yes, the world can be filled with dark entities and spirits, and the world can create an army of exorcists and so called paranormal investigators to detect the issues and collect the data.  

Do you see it?  Do you see the day when the paranormal investigator becomes a doctor....to diagnose the paranormal, the spiritualist connecting on a human level directing everyone to heal the dead, the exorcists and demonologists directing towards the devils of the world to cast them out....almost as the world of medicine does with diseases.  However, it is rare that a cure has been found for many diseases.  

What if there is no Earthly cure for demons or spirits in our midst?  What if the battle is entirely spiritual, entirely on a spiritual plane which is like the playground for these dark spiritual diseases.  And what if GOD is the only cure? I once believed in God and trusted in Christ the savior.  I've also turned my back on God at a weak moment of my life and told him I did not believe he even existed.  But somehow through time and through painstaking research and hard life battles I came back to be humbled, perplexed after having lived a life under my own thick mind of self-explanations of all things, to see GOD is still in Control of it all.  

I could not discount a Spiritual being as GOD.  The entities of the darkness was terrifying in my youth and in my adult life. Facing the memory of that old spiritual battle that seemed to take a physical form with me and my family began merely as a shadow in the dark.  I had no choice but remember when I was a child and what it meant to believe in GOD and trust in HIM.  Somehow, being a paranormal investigator and researcher only found me not only believing in the paranormal, but also that there is definitely a spiritual evil Devil and a spiritual Holy God.

Somehow, if dying from a deadly disease meant you had to live your last days as comfortable as you could and as happy as you could seeking rest and peace, the only ultimate rest that would be found would be in the Holy arms of God.  No doctor, no earthly being, no human, really can heal you from that disease consuming you. And I believe that the same will always apply to the demons which plague every soul of mankind.  More power is given you IN GOD to defeat the Devil in a spiritual battle. 

We can easily die from a disease which has made us vulnerable.  The ultimate end to disease is death. But the only victor over death is GOD.  So I suppose even in my human fallible finite mind and logic I still must take a deep breath and say, I choose to believe.  

Someone said to me once, as a child, if you trust in Christ as Savior just because you are afraid to die, then you are not really a Christian.  That is a very large falsehood.   God compelled many to fear throughout the Bible and throughout history.  Fear has a way to compel children back to the arms of their mother and father, and fear has a way of compeling a person to realize that we run from the truth because we feel too confident in ourselves to believe there are dangers to us.  Believe me, I've been there.  I've been one of those who ran, and who believed I knew more.  I thought my knowledge meant I was too grown to believe in a God as if he was the tooth fairy or Santa Claus.  

Truth be told.  Santa Claus nor the tooth fairy have ever shown proof of their existence by their persistent involvement with the planet as the thing we call GOD or a great Spiritual Being.  I think for some, even Christians, we all want to see the spiritual.  We all want to see the spiritual beings and the spiritual realm.  Believe me.  One day we all will.  For now, evidence of the spiriitual makes itself known to us on many levels around the globe.  

What does it mean to you and what does it mean to me?  For me, I'm a believer in the paranormal, in the spiritual realm, and in the beings of that realm...most of all God, Satan, Angels and Demons. However, I believe that we (humans, investigators, demonologists, spiritualists and religious individuals) are not the cure for this kind of spiritual disease.  But there are many doctors of this paranormal or even spiritual battle and warfare.  And none of them will ultimately save us.  

I'm sure all of you have your own insight on this subject.  I'm equally interested in learning your views as well.  I don't believe we all see the same path ahead nor learn the same things in life.  Therefore we are all unique in how we believe and much can be learned from one another.  There is a light in the darkness and in the light there can be no darkness.


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