While it may be true that sometimes after many people see that you have been on television they all try to contact you and there is no way possible you could respond to them all. There is no way you could respond to all of the people you know personally. Sometimes you have to prioritize and try to remember everyone. It would be nice to go on your twitter or on your Facebook page and take the time to acknowledge those who write you, that you have read their messages...and thank them despite the fact you have had no time to respond. It’s nice to see a general message to everyone saying this.
However, the behavior between celebrity paranormal investigators and researchers can sometimes be comparable to an all out beauty pageant cat fight. Nothing wrong with being on television, the news, having a book, or appearing for people. Certainly this makes you a celebrity in the paranormal arena...at least for a small period of time. And sometimes people build you up, boost your ego, tell you how gorgeous you are or how sexy you are. They tell you that you saved their lives, you are the best thing in the paranormal, the most knowledgeable. I have been on television; I know how it draws attention.
Please. So many paranormal celebrities have gotten too big for their breeches. What does that mean? It means they forget where they came from to get where they have. They have forgotten their paranormal friends and family because they want to be the star in the night sky that shines brighter than them. I have seen paranormal family, close friends, even romantic couples break up or there is an enmity so great they will never speak to one another because one of them stabs the other in the back to get on television. They won’t even acknowledge each other. To acknowledge other paranormal investigator celebrities brings them up to their star status. I’ve even heard of a priest who became big headed and wiggled his way over other paranormal celebrities to get himself on television more. This is laughable and a contradiction in terms! A priest has forgotten his first calling to the service of God and to people in order to become famous. So sad. To be on television should never make you deplorably full of yourself. As I said earlier, certainly celebrities cannot write back every fan, or even their own colleagues. However, to publicly thrash fellow paranormal celebrities, crawl over them, stab them in the back, lie or deceive others about them, or stand on them only to be higher or to be that star that shines brighter, is a sad sad shame.
But tis a reality of being involved in performance and television. Remember, however, after your 15 minutes of fame is over people will forget you and will want to see someone else on television. People who have contracts with television are no different. Many of them can succumb to being bought off by a network channel. Many of them will deceive the public, lie and fake evidence in order to get more viewers. They will forget other celebrity paranormal investigators or crawl all over them to get beyond them to cut to the front of the line.
I commend those paranormal research celebrities who work together with each other, will encourage others to become more involved, will find a forum they all can share their talents with others so that others can benefit from the knowledge of what is learned in the field of the paranormal. Lectures, conventions, ghost story performances, and giving other paranormal investigators, researchers and writers a chance to speak on your show or blog talk radio, are all great examples of encouraging other experts or experienced enthusiasts to come together in a popular forum to share what we know. The sky is vast. It is full of stars. None of them are different than any other. They all have shone bright at one time. There is plenty of space in the sky for a new star. We shouldn’t forget our paranormal friends or family. We shouldn’t stab each other in the back to get more attention. We shouldn’t lose sight of who we are and our own character, or forget where we came from, who helped us. If you are one of those paranormal celebrities who have forgotten, who has no problem lying to get ahead, faking evidence to get more viewers, or back biting or tearing one of your own down to get the spotlight, then the shame is on you. When your fame dies down, then you are left with a lonely legacy and your feelings of knowing the truth of what you have done to others will loom heavy with you for the rest of your life.
I do not commend those sad people. However, I encourage other people to remember what we are in the paranormal field for. It is a science. We are trying to discover the truth about the paranormal. No matter how much spirituality is involved, still...science can potentially explain it. There is no room for big headed paranormal celebrities who cannot remember where they came from, who cannot build up others or encourage others to go forward. There is room for all of us in this science. Too much time is wasted on trying to be the brighter star. If you are concentrating on being the brighter star in this field then you aren’t looking for the scientific truth and I don’t trust anything you say on television. What you say outside of television is more important than what you say on television. Television is edited. I know. I was on television. I remember how all my words were edited and placed together, inaccurately in some places in the episode story I sent to Syfy Paranormal Witness to be produced. My words in my interview were accurate, but edited and placed in at times that did not correspond with what I was describing. What you see on television is not all accurate. They chop it up and make it show and say what they want. This is true for Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Witness, etc etc. If you believe that every word is accurate then I am sorry to burst your bubble. It is not. It is set up. Television is a money making industry; not a truth seeking industry. It is an entertainment designed to make a channel money.
What is important, then, is what we are outside television. The things we say on facebook to each other, the books we write, the advice we give, the investigations we help with. Don’t crucify other paranormal investigators to move ahead of them. Remember we are all in this field together. The truth is paramount. Let’s not lose sight of what we are trying to prove in the field of the paranormal.
Many blessings to you all. ~~Lana


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