This is a poem about realization of the path one has been treading in naivety, with eyes looming large believing they were actually seeing something grand and wonderful, shiny and new, obtainable.  Deceit sometimes reveals itself to others when they obtain self growth beyond the ability to be controlled by that deceitful or controlling, manipulative person.  Familiar Path describes several people to me.  However, it was written with one person in mind.  It could still describe a great deal many people.  I like to identify with people out there who have been lied to or taken advantage of.  It is true, we all sometimes fall prey to those who would take advantage of the weak or naive.  Sometimes, it takes such disadvantage for that person to wake up and realize the realities of their path for which they have tread down.  I enjoyed writing this poem because I was able to reach deep inside my heart and put poetic words to my feelings at that time.  


Was barely born to the early sun on an unfamiliar yet a very familiar path.
The road began as mutual curious questions found no absolute answers while he held her tightly and kept her by his side in hope for a satisfied glance; a satisfied warm connection.
The whites of her eyes wide to trust as she took the hand of an assumed figure of trust.

Enter right and wrong;

Upon her embers of grief he took her under his wing of silent bonding; silent destination to mold her into the box of his sole ambition; silent stories; silent embrace. 

The mentor embraced her tightly with his confidence; she was certain it was a genuine embrace.

She felt her removed fear from death's impact return her the warmth of certainty she would be safe. In grief of death's dark visit there was no hell to fear as the lakes became as crystal; as he held onto her hand; as she believed warmly.

Enter right and wrong;

The trees appeared shiny in the sun; spirits from all directions warming a lighted path. The shadows deep in the trees; in the veils on the path now became veils open to challenges awaiting her.

The sky's meaning was vast and she believed there was more beyond those self-built barricades she once knew. 

Crumbling stone walls came down. As "green" as the trees she walked amongst... she took the steps he pointed her to try; towards the warmth of uttered words; towards the encouragement of higher paths; towards the embrace;

She could not see the color of his eyes when his heart melted; the brown of his eyes revealed themselves when he sifted her hair in his hands.

Enter right and wrong;

But the path was cold; the embrace became as a clutch...a claw to keep her feet on the path in which he could see; could guide. Once again, the embrace became as a hand to silence that mouth, once again the expected fulfillment did lend to shame and gave no confidence of love.
The long journey of discovery found that it was the same path of old familiar warlocks with dark embers beneath; just different scenery passing by.

She wanted to believe there was no hell...there was. She wanted to believe there was no darkness...there was. She wanted to believe that death was not frightening...it was. She wanted to believe that the embrace would not harm her; it did.

She wanted to believe that her heart meant more than the beauty of her eyes to the one she released all her fears to. It did not.

Enter right and wrong.

Am feeling anew amongst the shadows of the once enjoyable trees; an independent thought; an independent step; but lonely...as the sun sets on an unfamiliar yet a very familiar path.

© 2008 FAMILIAR PATH~~ ~~By Lana J. Hunt


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