I find it amazing when religious people or even spiritualists claim that 99.99% of all claims of demonic activity is unfounded and that the demonic is rare.  Ridiculous yet, so funny.  I saw so much evidence of the demonic as a child at so many different places to convince me that we are at the mercy of those who try to deceive us with LIES that I needed to get the facts on my own....and to get my own direction and discover the truth.    I find it ridiculous that this is what the spiritual world has been reduced to.  The spiritual realm not only includes the souls of all living things but also 1/3 of the heavenly hosts which fell from God's Grace.  Seeing as how God created a multitude of angels for HIS Praise one must not discount the great multitude of demons which transferred to Earth when 1/3 of the multitude had fallen cursed into the darkness realm of the Earth.

The spiritual realm is made up of all of God's creatures whether they are Earth Based or Heavenly.  Most people who claim that there is very little demonic activity or demonic influences or even demonic deception are really part of those who are deceived.  Demons are responsible for many kinds of manifestations. Also, people who claim a place is infested with demon inhabitants and goes in unprotected or does NOT WARN the people they are investigating for, are very ignorant.  Don't go in and cause a bad situation to get worse by antagonizing it unprotected or leaving a family defenseless against the darkness and principalities of it.  If People of the Earth are convinced there are NO demons, there is nothing to be fearful of.....then we only try to convince them there is NO Hell to fear and there is NO God to respect as the Holiest of all.  So if you want to be a part of that deception that's a shame for all the people who need your help.

 If you are a spiritualist and or a priest or a pastor and are telling the world there are no demons then shame on you all.  You HAVE NO FACTS TO BACK UP YOUR CLAIMS!!!   What happened to Biblical and Historical and spiritual discernment and knowledge?  What happened to using your common sense and spiritual discernment?  Why would I be a spiritualist, Christian or claim to even be a paranormal investigator or counselor of such activity IF I did not believe in the Spiritual realm....and ALL it includes (DEMONS)?  If I wanted to believe that then I'd be contributing to a great deception and also trying to convince the world of such would really show I have no belief in GOD and what he has said.  I learn so much from all of you.  And many of you have shown me just how much you know or how much you believe in getting answers for yourselves and not relying on what some spiritualist, or priest says.

If someone tells you there are NO demons and yet warns you of them don't you think they are deceiving you?  They don't know how to deal with demons.  Only GOD is the victor over evil and he's given every believer the Holy Spirit of God which contends all evil.  We all have the ability to defeat evil.  Don't let spiritualists who Don't believe in Spirituality or the things of God and the things which are evil convince you they are a true spiritualists or Christians or even have your best welfare in mind.  They don't.  They only have their personal image in mind.  If they really cared about you they would offer protection by giving you the truth...not by hiding it.  Only God as your shield can fight true evil.

Some people will claim that 99% of all demonic claims are false or unfounded.  Perhaps it is you, the 1%, which is the unbeliever of what so many people can already see.  It is not my task to convince you that demons DO or DON'T exist. People who try to convince you that they don't exist are silly.  People, you are a human being with a free will.  You live in a world with a spiritual realm that isn't so easy to see.  You have the ability to search for the truth on your own. Don't believe any spiritualist or pastor or priest claiming to be spiritual yet they don't believe in the prevalance of demons.  They don't even see how they are playing a part of  the great deception.  I challenge all of those who do believe and who don't, to read every thing you can about spiritualist, Christianity, the King James Bible original, The Book of Enoch, and other mythologies, spiritual texts and everything you can to try to understand and develop your own beliefs.  Don't try to adopt some belief or propeganda spread by those who claim to be spritualist or Christian but in fact they hide the truth from you.

I remember as a child being a Christian in a Chrisitian home.  And I believed that my Christian father would save me and my brothers and sisters from the evil that we witnessed with our own eyes.  I thought the Church could help.  I thought the pastor could help.  Guess what????  They could not.  They could not take the evil away.  And it wasn't because they weren't powerful enough.  God is the only one who can fight the Evil.  For some reason God wanted me and my family to go through those things....and perhaps only to be a witness and to tell the world about those things....and to show that they do exist even among God's people and spiritualists who do believe.  Not everyone who sees demons are asking for it. Not everyone who experiences demonic manipulations are delving into satanism or other practices.

My father was a good man and a Christian.  He prayed for all of his children.  But when it came to my own personal beliefs my father could not save me.  He could not believe for me.  However, being confronted with true evil and having seen with my own eyes, I came to believe that I had to have God as my shield.  A Pastor, a spiritualist or even a good Christian does have the ability to fight off evil but only with the power of God on their side.  You cannot be a spiritualist and not believe in all things spiritual and go into a demonic infested house and defeat the evil within.  Because you will not be protected.  You cannot protect others seeking your help if you yourself are unprotected.  This is why I tell all Christians, Spiritualists, Pastors and Priests...if you go into a home, business or church or out into the world to protect it or cleanse it from the evil that inhabits the earth, then you yourself must be protected by God and His shield or you will not be able to help and may only make matters worse.  Stop contributing to the ignorance of people by making such factless claims of what does or does not exist.

Also, as a teenager I witnessed so much demonic activity in other people's houses.  Two friends houses.  I witnessed it in the house of a child I babysat.  I witnessed it in the house of a pedophile who lived on my street. Once you see the darkness that inhabits the Earth and once you accept God's Savior as your shield you become able to sense and discern the spiritual in your life and all that around you.   If someone tries to convince the world there is no demonic activity then they are, basically, a Non believer in all things spiritual.  You cannot believe in  God and not believe in Satan.  You cannot believe in Angels and not believe in Demons.  You cannot believe in Heaven and not believe in Hell.  Either these exist or they do not.  There is no middle.  There either is a spiritual realm or there is not.

People who tell you that 99% of all claims of demonic activity is unfounded, false or rare, do  not have the facts.  They don't tell you the facts because they cannot prove that demons don't exist.  The Bible speaks of the sons of God in the days of Noah...which is speaking of the fallen angels.  Why don't people read these accounts and realize what it is that is being said?  The problem with Christians, Pastors, Priests and Spiritualists is that they take the words of someone they have heard before and adopt them as their own without searching for the truth for themselves and looking for spiritual discernment to make a sound and intelligent decision of what they believe.

It is foolish to make claims and not back them up.  I get so tired of reading things on Facebook where people try to convince others that Demons are rare and don't exist and that all claims are unfounded.  Again, I say, maybe you, the 1% is the unbeliever.  Perhaps the majority and the 99%  is right.  You are in a very small minority and you are trying to deceive the world of things you cannot even back up with facts or true stories and real life accounts of real people.  I'm afraid to say it will never work.  The world already believes in the spiritual.  They already believe in a God of some kind or a devil of some kind.  They already believe in angels and demons.  Your efforts in attempting to convince people that demons, angels, heaven and hell, God and Satan don't exist will never work... as all of this has existed since the beginning of creation.  I challenge all those who make such claims to prove there are no demons  or angels or any kind of spiritual entity to prove such claims.  Don't just make silly foolish claims.  Back up what you say with knowledge of all history all spiritual history and religious history, knowledge of all things spiritual, back it up with everything you have seen and felt and heard.  Back it up with the knowledge of all religions of all cultures.

Knowledge is the only way to truth and it is the only way to make good solid decisions.  I don't know why people go on facebook and make stupid silly claims and not back them up.  Making the decision to open your mind and to learn new things about the possibility of existence is the first step in getting better and more knowledge of the spiritual. Once you begin the path of knowledge it never ends.  It is a never ending path.  You may become wiser than some but you will never become all knowing as God and you will never know everything until God gives you a new body.

There is no reason to sit around listening to all of these Spiritualists, Christians, Priests and Pastors who claim certain spiritual entities do not exist or are rare.  Either the spiritual realm exists and is all around us and filled with many kinds of spiritual entities, including the demons, angels and spiritual energies, or none of it exists at all.  There is no middle of the road.  I have experienced my love of God and belief in HIS protection because I witnessed the evil.  I saw it.  I was made to live through it.  I was forced to continue to live in a house surrounded by the darkest most oppressive energy.  I chose to go on to Paranormal Witness and tell my story to give witness to the things of the spiritual darkness which even today's spiritualists and Christians refuse to believe.  If Spiritualists and Christians will not believe in the spiritual and Demons and Angels, then how will the unbelievers ever see hope for their spiritual state?

You who do try to convince the world that all things spiritual do not exist and do so with no proof to back it up, only deceive the world and are trying to direct people away from God and from truly knowing the spiritual world as they should.  I challenge the rest of you to come up to your own conclusions and base it on some real facts, real history, real life stories, real data.  Don't be one of those who just pass on what someone else says.  Study everything.  Not just one thing.  Study all religions of the world.  Not just one.  That is what I suggest for anyone who wants to come to their own sound conclusions and not just pass on what some priest, pastor or spiritualist claims.  We have a world full of ignorant people trying to play God, trying to direct people when they themselves have no belief in all things spiritual.
Thanks for reading my long letter.  ~~~Lana


  1. Lana, I watched your family's story on Paranormal Witness. The saddest thing to me was the church's response to your oppression. It is sad that Fundamentalist and Evangelical churches counsel people to ignore demonic attacks. This is not following the example of Christ, the Apostles, and the Early Church. They never ignored demons; they opposed them and drove them out. That is one reason I began studying Demonology--I grew tried of the counsel from fellow Christians not to discuss such topics. You have no idea the numbers of people I have assisted who later said, "Where were you ten years ago?" The conservative church has much to answer for in neglecting to teach its members how to engage in spiritual warfare. Thank you for having the courage to share your story.

  2. Hi Dave. Actually, Paranormal Witness could barely capture all that was important to our story. Nor could they capture the essence or even the very basics of the Baptist view or beliefs. The Baptists do believe in demons and a pastor of a church will counsel those oppressed by demons. A Baptist believes that according to the Bible an individual who is born again (born of the Spirit by belief unto the heart) then each individual is given the Holy Spirit for discernment. The problem that our church had was no different from any church. I count Catholics among those as I have heard from many Catholics in my youth who had no clue how to address the demonic. It isn't about a denomination. All church denominations are presented with similar circumstances and all have come up empty upon occasion. Just as some Catholics, Pagans, Evangelical, Protestant or even Baptist have accomplished some success with the battles against evil and fighting of demonic activity and influence so have they found their failures. Some of it can be explained for the mere fact that emphasis of these many various denominations may not be on "the evil or demonic" in our world. Churches like to teach, love, peace, understanding. The Baptist taught against "sin" and the individual's choices to partake in sinful activity. They certainly know when to address the demonic. They just didn't make it a priority. Sometimes churches preach against the evils and they counsel and pray, they give house blessings. They have the knowledge. But the Baptist churches don't make it a priority to teach everything about the demonic until the demonic is already there....already an influence....already an oppressive nightmare to a family. I know our Pastor did come to our house. I don't believe he came to cleanse it, but to bless it. If I knew then what I know now I probably could have done something about it myself. Satan and his demons may be powerful but they are not omnipotent or omniscient. They are not ALL knowing. A person filled with the Spirit of God, protected by the Archangels of God, girded with scriptural protection...will have more of a chance to battle the evil. I'm not saying that my pastor wasn't protected. I'm saying he may have been....but did nothing to empower us. We could have been empowered. We were the ones living there. Conservative, Liberal, Non Denominational, Protestant and Catholic churches are ALL guilty of not recognizing the priority of keeping the evil and demonic under bondage and bound away from their members of their churches. I tend to believe the first step from correcting the terrible issue of lack of attention to priority is to not point to any denomination. They're all guilty. I am not a Baptist, nor any denomination. I seek the truth. My spiritual journey includes my Indian Cherokee ancestors. I don't believe in any denomination and especially if they feel that the only way is THEIR WAY. There is ONLY ONE GOD. God provided his ONLY Begotten Son. To accept HIM and GOD's greatest sacrifice is THE ONLY WAY. There is Nothing more one must do to be accepted by GOD. No denomination or religion can save anyone. Each individual has the power within themselves to be an open vessel to GOD and the Holy Spirit (the Comforter) which resides in every believer. We are given a spiritual discernment when the Spirit of God indwells within us. However, because we are human we still have weakness and vulnerabilities and must seek protection from surrounding evil. I really appreciate your words. It's nice to see that someone else sees that there is a low priority on demons today. I believe that the demonic activity of today is 300% more prevalent than when Jesus ascended to Heaven. It is only now that the Paranormal has been given a spot light. Fortunately so, that now even anything of a spiritual nature is given more attention. I really appreciate your input. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)

  3. I myself have been witness to demons and angels,as a child I was visited by a demon..he was unable to harm me because of my belief and the holy sprit that dwelled inside me...I remember being terrified but, yet was able to live without fear...because I had been shown that demons are real,the demon who came to me was around the time of attending church with my grand parents and gaining knowledge of God...and believing He was real...I remember I could feel the demon on top of me and was unable to move or speak,my father just so happened to open my bedroom door that night and as he did and turned on my light...I seen a great light ascend from my bed towards the light...many times in the past I have found myself trying to wake up and unable good so ,not really knowing was I asleep or a wake fighting off a demon,I believe I was awake and was able to cry out to Jesus because I remember telling the demon to leave me alone and praying to Jesus to protect me and keep the demon from hurting me...I also witnessed angel's three of them huge beautiful glowing with wings,human faces right in front of me, I had fell asleep while driving on hwy 69 coming home from Chicago...they saved my life ,I would of went into a ditch if the angels had not stopped my car,I woke with three beautiful angels right in front of my car...I have often wondered why God allowed me to see those angels,I believe it is so I can be a witness to other's or to strengthen my own faith..they both are true ,it did give me more faith and I have no doubt at all in the Bible and it's truth..and proved to me that other's have seen angels because many drawing's of angel's were the same angel's I had witnessed with my own eyes...I to had a father who many years talked to me answered questions I had about God and why certain things happen to really good people...his wisdom still lives in my mind today..he was not without sin...but, yet so faithful to his belief's and his love for God...I still am amazed of the things I have witnessed that are beyond that of this world....God is amazing and I can't wait to be in His home with my Dad brother, and sister, and grandson...my grandson was still born almost full term,at his funeral 12 people received God into their heart's and most of them never went to church ever...I knew at that moment God does have a purpose for all of His children and I believe my grandson was allowed to be on this earth even though he had only his human body here,his death saved 12 people ,who were good people who might have ended up in hell,had they not attended that funeral... What a miracle for my eyes to witness...it made my grief so much easier,knowing God had a purpose and that even though I could never hold my grandson on earth,he would be waiting on me in heaven and we would spend Trinity together...praise God...for He is real..the devil is real and there are angels,demons,heaven and hell!

    1. Thank you for sharing your story. I feel that what we believe does help to open us up and guide us in a path in the direction to become either more like the light or more like the darkness.

  4. Thank you for your positive message! :)


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